
Here you will find our articles about the subjects that fascinate us, like social impact, connection and personal growth. Feel free to scroll through the articles or select a topic below and dive right in.

Arjen Barel

Stories in policymaking

Stories in policy making Storytelling is hip and happening and its usefulness is slowly making its way into government policy-making, especially as a means of

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We are all made of stories
Arjen Barel

Diversity is only a story

Diversity is only a story Sometimes people wonder: is it really that simple? Can you resolve conflicts by collecting and telling stories? Aren’t there already

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Arjen Barel
Director of the Storytelling Centre and Theatre Lab and Storytelling Coach.

deelt op deze pagina maandelijks zijn opgedane kennis.

Hij schreef eerder twee boeken:
‘The Power of Art Bouwstenen’
‘Storytelling en de Wereld’

en hij is bezig met zijn derde.

Hij geeft regelmatig lezingen over storytelling in de maatschappelijke sector.