storytelling voor maatschappelijke impact rondom diversiteit, conflict oplossen, taboe, jongerenwerkers, competentie ontwikkeling voor langdurig werklozen

Applied storytelling: 4 new methodologies for vulnerable groups in the EU

Storytelling Centre is always looking for new and stronger methods to use storytelling in community work, in empowering vulnerable groups and in creating social impact and behavioural change. We are very pleased with the possibilities the EU provides us, as a part of the Erasmus+ Grant Scheme, to explore new and innovative ways of applying storytelling in working with diverse target groups.

These are the 4 new approaches

Currently we are working on four powerful projects, all with a different angle but all with storytelling at the base. And all in collaboration with various international partners.

competence building for unemployed youngsters through storytelling
1. SELFEE and The Power of Art

These two projects focus on competence building of long term unemployed. We use storytelling to let them develop skills and competences that are useful in finding a job. One of the results of this projects is that we will soon start working with a group of socially isolated men, empowering them to become active again.

Storytelling Centre organisess storytelling training to get the long-term unemployed back on the market.
2. Picture your Story

In the Picture your Story project we develop picture language and storytelling tools to connect youth with different cultural backgrounds in (potential) conflict areas and to create mutual respect and understanding. Of course, our work in Palestine/Israel contributes a lot of knowledge and experience to this project, but we discovered many new possibilities of combining pictures and stories in reconciliation projects for youth. 

alternative method to learn a second language
3. Alternative Ways

Last, but certainly not least is our Alternative Ways project, in which we develop a new method to acquire a second language for people with very low language learning skills, like refugees from certain countries or migrants who hardly got any education. This project sprouted from the language lessons Storytelling Centre delivers already for over a year to a group of male refugees/migrants.


Read more
about these project on our sites or the project websites

Curious about the use of our storytelling method for any of these groups? Check out our showcases or contact us.


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