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Knowledge - Training - Theatre

Verhalenpakhuis - Zin in de Centrale Markthal

Date and time: Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 2024

Location: Centrale Markthal Food Centre Amsterdam | Jan van Galenstraat 4 |

Call: Past in the Central Market Hall
Share your story and archive during the Open Monuments Weekend on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September in the Verhalenpakhuis of the Central Market Hall in Amsterdam.

When: Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September
what time: between 11:00 and 16:00 hours
where: Central Market Hall Food Centre Amsterdam | Jan van Galenstraat 4 | Amsterdam

As part of Amsterdam 750 years, stories are being collected for the Verhalenpakhuis from people who have a relationship with the Food Centre Amsterdam, previously known as the Centrale Markthal. As a (wholesale) trader or auctioneer, as a shop owner or restaurateur, as a security guard or administrative employee, or simply as a local resident. Do you have a history with the Central Market Hall? Drop by the hall with your stories, photos, contracts, transcripts or other records and visit the Story Warehouse. There you can tell your story and there is an A3 scanner to scan archive items at high resolution.

The Central Market Hall is located in the middle of the closed Food Center Amsterdam (FCA). This area is also known as the ‘Belly of Amsterdam’. Restaurants, shops and businesses in Amsterdam and the surrounding area are supplied from here. A new and smaller Food Center will be built on the north side of the Market Hall. On the south side will be housing and a large grassy square.

The Market Hall forms an important link between the activity of the FCA and the adjacent residential area in the Market Quarter. The huge national monument will become a place for a large and diverse group of Amsterdam residents, with a large mix of functions and the largest solar panel roof in Amsterdam. To give the stories associated with the Market Hall a permanent place in the building, a warehouse has been reserved in the corner of the hall: the Verhalenpakhuis.

The Verhalenpakhuis will start in Open Monuments Weekend 2024 with the storytelling project ‘Zin in de Centrale Markthal’, which runs through our senses: smell, taste, touch, sight and sound. With various groups of site users and local residents, we are collecting stories that will come together in an interactive installation in the Story Warehouse in the city’s anniversary year.

About Zin in de Centrale Markthal
The project ‘Zin in de Centrale Markthal’ is a project of the Storytelling Centre Foundation in cooperation with the DW-RS Foundation, Boei, Cordaan and various artists, local residents and users of the Central Market Hall, and is being realised with contributions from the Amsterdam Foundation and the City of Amsterdam, among others.

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