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Knowledge - Training - Theatre

International performance laboratory and performances - Cassandra Project

Date and time: 3 - 5 November 2024

Location: De Vlugt, Burgemeester de Vlugtlaan 125, Amsterdam

The general objective of the Cassandra project is to build capacity for young (aged 18 – 30) storytellers as ‘socially engaged performers’: how can a storyteller convey personal messages and deal with social challenges through performative and artistic strategies. It also wants to raise the capacity of storytellers and storytelling organisations to work internationally, reach new audiences and confidently approach their role of platforming art for social good. Five European countries will be part of the project: Poland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Belgium. Cassandra secured funding through Creative Europe with the Federation for European Storytelling as the primary partner.

WHAT IS SOCIALLY ENGAGED STORYTELLING? To us, socially engaged storytelling means sharing narratives that resonate with you personally while addressing issues of global significance. It’s about telling stories that raise awareness of social challenges, spark meaningful conversations, and inspire positive change.

3 – 5 November the storytellers will perform at De Vlugt. 

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