Casablanca Stories: strengthening identity in Morocco

Casablanca Stories We believe that every community consists of different identities. Identities that enrich and strengthen the community, as long as you can and may celebrate this diversity. To make this diversity more visible, we initiated a bottom-up project in Casablanca to put storytelling on the (cultural and social) agenda of the city. Strenghtening identity […]
The Power of Art: storytelling for employment opportunities

The Power of Art In this project we focus on the Amsterdam Nieuw-West neighbourhoods in Amsterdam and Toxteth in Liverpool. These are both multicultural neighbourhoods with multiple social and economic challenges, in which large numbers of young people are not active in the labor market and do not follow education or training. Development of soft […]
Selfee- Soft skill development for employment opportunities

Selfee Although most European economies are growing, reducing long-term unemployment is still a major challenge within the European Union. While many employment programs focus on improving hard skills, we believe that a lack of soft skills is more often the problem. Acquiring soft skills From 2018 to the beginning of 2019 we have been able […]
Together in West: Living Library

Together in West: Living Library Do not judge a book based on its cover, just as you should not judge a person by their appearance. Take the time to find out more about the content … That’s what the Living Library project in Amsterdam Nieuw-West is all about. By listening, you get to know each […]